Workpiece reversal holder that enables double-sided machining of workpieces in the machining center
Just attach to the machining center
Operable with general-purpose air supply
Workpiece drop prevention function by open/close confirmation sensor
Amazing facts!
── Introducing ideas and technologies ──
The Work Reversal Series (Flip Holder) utilizes general-purpose air and spindle rotational power to reverse workpieces simply by attaching it to the machining center. In addition, a proximity sensor is included to reliably detect the opening and closing of the arm, preventing workpieces from falling due to “guesswork” operation. This eliminates the need for expensive investment in “robots,” “gantry loaders,” and “transfer lanes,” as well as the need to manually change the workpiece machining posture, which leads to lower equipment utilization rates.
How to use the Work Reversal Series
Machining center 1 / Face milling this side
Conveyance / Reversal / Manual work
Machining center 2 / Face milling back side
Work Reversal Series (Flip Holder)
Machining center 1 / All processes are carried out in the same equipment
Face milling this side
Work reversal
Face milling back side
This is the point!
General-purpose air-supplied arm with opening/closing and motion mechanism
This is the point!
Accident prevention function by open/close confirmation sensor
When unchucked
If the arm does not open completely even after air is supplied, an abnormality occurs and machine stops.
When chucked
If the workpiece is not gripped even after the air supply is turned off, an abnormality occurs and machine stops.
Development / product concept
“Current status and challenges”
Conventionally, a special robot or gantry loader must be installed in the processing line to reverse the workpiece.
However, such an incidental installation requires an expensive investment, and the entire processing line configuration also requires a large space.
Therefore, there is a need to reverse workpieces (change the machining position of workpieces) in the same facility as the machine, using inexpensive, general-purpose power, without requiring special equipment to reverse the workpieces.
“Development points”
The Work Reversal Series „Flip Holder” uses general-purpose air as the power source. By installing to a standard interface, it is possible to automatically flip the workpiece within the same machining center equipment where processing is taking place.
Product specification
Holder specifications
Tool name
Work Reversal Series „Flip Holder”
Drive source
Air (0.6MPa)
Gripping force
19kgf (adjustable depending on power source, etc.)
Work weight
0.5 kg
Compatible spindle
HSK/HS/BT (other general M/C interfaces on request)